Hectic mornings just got so much simpler!

Tired of dead-eyed interactions with your kids at the breakfast table with little to no conversation?

Gathering Placemats instantly wake your kids up with

truth, goodness, & beauty

& spark family connections.

Purchase the Introductory Gathering Collection now for $30!

Hey Homeschooling Mama Friend,

Have you found your seat at the homeschooling table perched right next to an astounding buffet of rich, beautiful things to share with your kids,

but you just can't figure out how to fit in everything?

Ever dreamed of mornings full of goodness, truth, & beauty other homeschool moms told you about? Have you heard of the tradition of morning time? Did you, like me, immediately know you wanted to put it into practice?  

Did you do these things?

  • scroll & search - nevermind you had no idea what you were looking for
  • purchase plans to help you "DO" morning time - nevermind the struggle to realize someone else's vision of morning time 
  • print all the art pieces to show your kids - nevermind they never got used
  • create long "wish lists" of resources & books to add to your "morning time" - nevermind the overwhelming scope of options
  • still can't get your kids to even pay attention - nevermind getting them engaged

Let me introduce you to...

Mama friend, STOP searching & scrolling for the morning time solution! It's right here.

Are you ready to stop:

  • feeling paralyzed by the abundance of options?
  • trying & failing to force-feed your kids the riches of a homeschool life?
  • doing the all-or-nothing approach, with a heavy emphasis on nothing?

Gathering Placemats instantly make morning time effortless, meaningful, & special!


Each set of Gathering Placemats includes 4 placemats with:

  • 4-5 beautiful pieces of art from a notable artist you will want to share with your kids
  • a classic hymn so you can pass on your faith to your kids
  • a Bible verse to memorize alongside your kids
  • memory work - tidbits of information to fill your kids' minds with something meaningful
  • poetry to stir your kids' souls and delight their hearts
  • nursery rhymes and MORE!!

The front of each placemat in the set is the same, featuring the hymn, a poem, & a Bible verse. 

Each back is different with various boxes of interest for kids (& adults). 

What if you could finally create a morning time tradition with your kids, without all the work?

You could:

... SHARE the educational feast with your kids one bite at a time

... CONNECT with your kids through meaningful conversations

... SAVOR a morning time tradition alongside your kids

... finally SHOWCASE all the riches you want your kids to see

Settling into a morning time tradition is effortless with Gathering Placemats.

Simply follow these three steps:

1) Grab the Introductory Gathering Placemat Collection

2) Print (and laminate #ifykyk)

3) Place in front of your kids at the breakfast table.

Let's look at what the Introductory Gathering Placemats Collection includes

Gathering: Americana

A celebration of American culture perfect for patriotic holidays & seasons

  • Patriotic artwork from various artists
  • Celebration of the spirit of America
  • Trivia & memorable historical tidbits to pass on to your children

Gathering: Summertime

An easy way to slip into the golden days of summer together.

  • Features artwork by Pierre Auguste Renoir
  • Easy bits of memory work, presented in a laid-back way
  • A favorite poem by John Greenleaf Whittier

Gathering: Brooks & Streams

Watch the changes of the seasons & practice the habit of noticing

  • Features art by Willard Metcalf
  • Celebrates noticing the changes the seasons bring
  • Sneaks in nature study even on rainy days

Gathering: Birds

Introduce your children to the joy of bird watching & nature journaling

  • Features artwork from John James Audubon
  • Celebration of the beauty of winged creatures
  • Science & language connections

Gathering: Microscopic Things

A melding of science & art which includes an introduction to pointillism

  • Features artwork by Georges Seurat
  • Science memory work
  • A favorite poem by Robert Louis Stevenson to memorize

Gathering: Oceans & Seas

Enjoy a day at the beach with your kids, without leaving your kitchen

  • Features art from various masters
  • Celebrates the vast waters of our world through poetry
  • Geared for your littlest learners, too!

Get the Introductory Gathering Placemats Collection now so you can effortlessly enjoy truth, goodness, & beauty with your kids every day.

Let's look at a sample of the Gathering Placemats!

Each Gathering Placemats collection includes FOUR placemats with:

  • 4-5 beautiful pieces of art
  • a hymn
  • a Bible verse
  • memory work
  • poetry
  • nursery rhymes
  • and MORE!!

Use each collection for as long as you like. Your kids can trade up each day or week, finding favorite items along the way.

Turn "morning blahs" into morning time magic with the Gathering Placemats.

Now you can:

  • have a plan & a go-to resource for your precious morning moments with your kids
  • sneak little snacks of the riches of homeschooling life into your days
  • feel accomplished & connected with your little ones every day

The table is set for you, dear homeschool Mama!
Grab the Gathering Placemats & step confidently into your morning time tradition!

psst... your kids are going to love these Gathering Placemats, but they will love the moments with your family even more :)

Hey Mama, I used to search & scroll, print & pay for a morning time solution, too.

Hi, I'm Leah! My goal is to help moms connect with their kids in a morning time setting through Gathering Placemats.

I started creating Gathering Placemats for my kids after trying & failing to implement the morning time I had dreamed of. 

Instead of bringing truth, goodness, & beauty to my kids each morning, we were getting the opposite - whining, crying,& ugliness. 

I just couldn't figure out how this morning time thing would work...for us!

I knew there had to be a simple solution to my problem. 

I leaned in & started to pay attention to my kids.  One day I realized the cereal box could hold their attention so easily.  Not exactly truth, goodness, & beauty...but at least I could see what had their attention. 

After examining the cereal box, I realized I could make something special for our morning time - something bright and colorful, something with real beauty

Instead of cartoon drawings and inane information, I could include beautiful art, life-giving truth, & all sorts of good things! 

I could finally capture my kids' attention & connect!

The first Gathering Placemats I shared with my kids were an instant hit & quickly became the morning time tradition I had dreamed of.

Let me do all the work. You just connect with your kids!

Details on the Introductory Gathering Placemats Collection

Start your new morning time tradition - Gathering - with these included collections:

  • Gathering: Americana
  • Gathering: Oceans & Seas
  • Gathering: Birds
  • Gathering: Brooks & Streams
  • Gathering: Microscopic Things
  • Gathering: Summertime

Gathering Placemats feature:

  • History
  • Catechism
  • Science
  • Art
  • Geography
  • Language
  • Jokes
  • Hymns
  • Bible Verses
  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Vocabulary
  • Brain Teasers
  • Silly Songs
  • Poetry
  • Memory Work
  • and MORE!

Gathering Placemats effortlessly bring truth, goodness & beauty to your breakfast table.

You'll Love the Introductory Gathering Placemats Collection for the simplicity & richness, your kids will love them because they're FUN!


the Gathering Placemats include Bible verses & favorite hymns to share with your kids


the Gathering Placemats are filled with fun facts, delightful poetry, & simply silly jokes to surprise & delight your kids


the Gathering Placemats feature large, gorgeous prints of some of the world's most esteemed art


the Gathering Placemats ask questions to get the conversation going around your kitchen table

Are Gathering Placemats right for your family?

If you are a new homeschool mom, looking to create consistency & good habits, Gathering Placemats give you:

  • A time & a space to explore a morning time tradition with your kids
  • Engaging content & conversation starters so you can pursue truth with your kids
  • Freedom from the overwhelm & burnout from trying to get to all-the-things in the first week of homeschool
  • All the truth, goodness, & beauty you knew you would be able to share because of your choice to homeschool 

If you are a seasoned homeschool mom, looking to create NEW, meaningful traditions, Gathering Placemats help you:

  • Connect with your kids in conversations about art, music, & BIG ideas
  • Gently pursue truth with your kids with memory work & facts
  • Share hymns, spiritual songs, & Classical music with your kids with custom Gathering Playlists
  • Contemplate great works of art with simple conversation starters for art study

If you are an intentional traditional school mom, looking to supplement & support your child's learning, the Gathering Placemats help you:

  • Discover new & exciting things with your kids before sending them off to school
  • Build a strong foundation of truth with Bible verses & hymns to memorize
  • Actually know what your kid learned because you learned it alongside him - no more shoulder shrugs in response to the question, "What did you learn at school today?"
  • Explore beautiful art pieces & have conversations about beauty; noticing and evaluating art without having to take a field trip

Frequently Asked Questions

Do your kids really like them? Aren’t they bored?

I introduced our Gathering placemats to my kids four years ago & I was blown away at how much they enjoyed them!  They would choose favorites & fight learn to trade well with one another throughout the month.  Plus, they would start to memorize poetry, Bible verses, & hymns without effort! 

We did not take on all the information in the placemats all at one time.  The luxury of a month of riches to savor became precious to us!  We fell in love with this resource.

Every morning, my son requests that I sing the hymn for him. He is noticing the things on the placemats so much that we worked on his first natural sight words out of Psalm 100! It blesses this Mama’s heart immeasurably! 

What do I do with the Gathering Placemats?

I take on a few items during each Gathering time.  Sometimes we talk about the art pieces.  Sometimes we recite the poem or the Bible verse together.  I put in some super simple boxes for my little ones because I have an age range from 11 to 4.   

The kids are welcome to explore them on their own during our Gathering or throughout the day, but I don’t feel the need to get to everything every single day. 

We pair these placemats with a Spotify playlist with the featured hymn (usually a vocal version and an instrumental version), a folk song, & some Classical music.  

Each month I prepare a new set for my kids. New placemats, new playlist; refreshed excitement!

How do I print the placemats?

The instructions are on the front page of each downloadable set of placemats.

The idea is for these to be used as placemats, front & back.  Print pages 1 & 2, f/b; pages 1 & 3 f/b; pages 1 & 4, f/b; & finally pages 1 & 5, f/b.  I laminated them to make sure they last through the month.  The front page is the same for all my students & the backs are all different.  This way the kids can trade them as the month proceeds.

What inspires Gathering Placemats?

I have an eclectic approach to our homeschool.  We heavily lean on classical principles, but I like the Charlotte Mason approach to many things.  I enjoy Ambleside Online’s resources & schedules. I find they fit the rhythms of our year nicely.  I do not always do three months of the artist AO recommends. 

We are a Classical Conversations family, so some of the boxes are inspired by that.  Meaning I will intend them to be extensions of the Foundations curriculum, not the specific memory work (other than skip counting). There are some boxes that will definitely help Foundations and Essentials families pound those memory pegs in.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes! I believe you are going to love the Gathering Placemats!

If for some reason you are disappointed with your purchase, I am able to offer refunds within 7 days of purchase.  If you are unhappy with your purchase or have a problem with your purchase, please email me. 

Why the name "Gathering"?

We call it Gathering simply because my invitation to begin our family’s special time is, “Gather ’round!”

Our Gathering was super simple in the beginning. It included Bible time, singing, and poetry. Honestly, that is all we had time for.

After I created the Gathering Placemats we were finally able to gather around all the goodness, truth & beauty I wanted to show my kids! 


I believe you are going to love the Gathering Placemats, but if for some reason you are disappointed with your purchase, I'm able to offer refunds within 7 days of purchase.  If you are unhappy with the product or have a problem with your purchase, please email me.

Still here? I can see you're looking to solve your morning time problem.

Give the Introductory Gathering Placemats a try & discover effortless, enjoyable morning time with your family today.

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Introductory Gathering Placemats Collection!

  • Gathering: Americana
  • Gathering: Oceans & Seas
  • Gathering: Birds
  • Gathering: Brooks & Streams
  • Gathering: Microscopic Things
  • Gathering: Summertime

Today's Price: $30